Music of Sight

In the early days of the March 2020 lockdown, a friend on Facebook nominated me for one of those ‘post 7 artworks in 7 days’ challenges. Normally, I’d have run a virtual mile, but, with little to do apart from cross out engagements as they fell out of my diary, I started going with a short bit on Velázquez’s Las Meninas. Leaving aside for a moment the fact that even just this first one was the equivalent of attempting Everest without any training or oxygen (or shoes), I carried on beyond the initial 7 days, and here is the result: some thoughts on a selection of visual art.

The idea behind putting these here is to offer a suggestion (and it’s no more than that) on what these artists were trying to convey, what it is we do when we see, look, and pay attention, and what art can be and do. More broadly, I wanted to share some beauty and creativity, which might offer some small relief to the unremittingly grim news.

Have a look around!